The illusion and reality of love
Don't be afraid to look at the odd hate relationship because freedom lies in looking at it. It would be impossible not to know the meaning of love, except this. For a special love affair, in which the meaning of love is hidden, is undertaken only to equalize hatred, but not to abandon it. When you look at it, your salvation will clearly arise before your open eyes.
You can't limit the hate. A special love affair doesn't make up for it, it just drives it underground and out of sight. It is important that it is visible and that they do not try to hide it. For it is precisely trying to balance hate and love that makes love meaningless to you. You don't realize the extent of the divisiveness that lies in this. A Course In Miracles And until you do, the split remains unrecognized and therefore unhealed.
2 Symbols of hate versus symbols of love play out a conflict that doesn't exist. For symbols mean something else, and the symbol of love is meaningless if love is everything. You will come through this final destruction completely unscathed and finally emerge as yourself. This is the last step in being ready for God. Don't be reluctant now; you are too close and you cross the bridge in perfect safety, quietly translated from war to peace. For the illusion of love never satisfies; but his reality that awaits you on the other side will give you everything.
3 A special love affair is an attempt to limit the destructive effects of hatred by finding refuge in the storm of guilt. He does not attempt to rise above the storm, into the sunlight. On the contrary, it emphasizes the guilt outside the refuge by trying to erect barricades against it and keep within them. A special love relationship is not seen as a value in itself, but as a place of safety from which hatred is split off and held. A special love partner is acceptable only if it serves this purpose. Hate can enter and is indeed welcome in some aspects of a relationship, but it is still held together by the illusion of love. If the illusion wears off, the relationship breaks up or becomes unsatisfying because of the disillusionment.
4 Love is not an illusion. That is a fact. Where there may be disillusionment, there was not love, but hatred. For hate is an illusion and what can change was never love. It is certain that those who choose any of them as partners in any aspect of life, and use them for any purpose which they would not share with others, try to live with the guilt rather than die of it. This is the choice they see. And love is just an escape from death for them. They are desperately looking for her, but not in the peace in which she would happily come quietly to them. And when they discover that the fear of death is still upon them, the love affair loses the illusion of being what it is not. When the barricades against it are breached, fear rushes in and hatred wins.
5 There are no triumphs of love. Only hate even deals with the "triumph of love". The illusion of love can triumph over the illusion of hate, but always at the cost of creating both illusions. As long as the illusion of hate lasts, so long will love be an illusion for you. And then the only possible choice is which illusion you prefer. There is no conflict in the choice between truth and illusion. Seen in these terms, no one would hesitate. However, the conflict comes when the choice seems to be between illusions, but that choice does not matter. Where one choice is as dangerous as the other, the decision must be desperate.
6 Your task is not to look for love, but only to look for and find within yourself all the obstacles you have put up against it. It is not necessary to seek what is true, but it is necessary to seek what is false. Every illusion is an illusion of fear, whatever form it takes.
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