In the field of addictions and their treatment, the gender perspective is a very important variable. Being an addict carries a social stigma, being an addict is usually associated with a double look of disapproval.
Many addicted women tend to suffer greater pressure and social reproach and this may explain why many of them keep their drug addiction hidden and find it more difficult to ask for therapeutic help.
Most of them, once they reach treatment, are accompanied by a strong sense of failure, a great feeling of guilt, misunderstanding, very low self-esteem and a great fear of rejection and social exclusion.
For all these reasons, the Salud y Comunidad Foundation has been carrying out a psychotherapeutic group exclusively for them for a few years. What Is The Role Of Family In Drug Prevention?
A space for women to share their experiences and experiences among equals.
A place to express calmly , where to be heard without the risk of being judged or excluded.
A group to share A group to share , a place where being a woman is a value. , a place where being a woman is a value.
A space for and by them. That is why the users themselves decided to call the psychotherapeutic group "An Espy Per My" for women with addiction problems. “A space for me”
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